среда, 13 июля 2011 г.


 Updated webpage about biorythms:
 1)Old banner changed information about future biorythm (+/-) on the picture show grow at next day
 2)New banner show your clever days count what divided by 100 or 1000.
Nearest 20 days calculate biorythms.Lifedays calculate.
&lt;a href="http&#58;//poplauki.eu/bio/" target="_blank" style="border:none;"&gt;&lt;img src="http&#58;//poplauki.eu/bio/banner2.php?lng=en&amp;y=1985&amp;m=5&amp;d=9" alt="Nearest 20 days calculate biorythms.Lifedays calculate." style="border:none;"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
To get similar baner
1)Changing src atributes at baner source <code>src="http&#58;//poplauki.eu/bio/banner2.php?lng=<b>{one from (ru,pl,en,lt)}</b>&y=<b>{year}</b>&m=<b>{mounth}</b>&d=<b>{day}</b>"</code>
2) Visit page , calculate days and copy baner code.

Posted via email from wirtaw's posterous